Process of certification

 CE certification process of "Dedal-AC" Ltd.

After submission of application for certification and signing of a contract, with an order for attestation, a team for performing the assessment is appointed, that is coordinated with the applicant. The next stage is initial audit of the factory production control.

Information about system 1 and 1+  Get information about system 1 and 1+

Download information about system 2+  Get information about system 2+

For systems 1+ and 1, during the initial audit samples for initial type testing of the product are taken. The expert in the team, performing the attestation, prepares a report, including a suggestion for certification of the product or FPC. The report is based on the results of the audit and the protocols of the initial type testing of the product. The certificate is signed by the manager of “Dedal – Attestation and Certification” Ltd. On the basis of the received certificate the producer issues declaration of performance or conformity and has the right to CE-mark the assessed products.

For system 1+ Dedal – Attestation and Certification” Ltd. performs audit testing of samples.

Continuous surveillance:
The continuous surveillance is done through surveillance audits in the case of systems 1+, 1 and 2+. Their frequency depends on the stability of the technological process.

Audit-testing of samples:
When the system of attestation of conformity is 1+, samples of the certified product are taken periodically to verify the declared performance characteristics.

Responsibilities of the producer according to system 1+ 1 2+ 3 4
Integrated system for Factory production control (FPC)
Initial type testing of the product performed by the producer
Initial type testing of the product performed by an independent notified laboratory        
Declaration of performance
Responsibilities of “Dedal – Attestation and Certification” Ltd. according to system 1+ 1 2+ 3 4
Initial audit of the factory and the Factory production control (FPC)    
Initial type testing      
Audit testing of samples        
Certificate of constancy of performance or conformity of the FPC    
Surveillance audits