Claims and appeals

Procedure УП 03-05 Revision 02
 Objective Formulation of the rights and obligations for resolution of actual or potential conflicts with customers of the company, within the company itself or other competitors of the company.
Scope of application
All departments of the company.
 Stages Registration of the written or verbal claim. Discussion of possible compromise decisions at the time of occurrence without submission to the objections, complaints and conflicts committee. Submission of claims, complaints and conflicts to the Objections, complaints and conflicts committee.
Members of the Objections, complaints and conflicts committee Formed depending on problem, but is always managed by the lawyer of the company.
 Status Independent body for resolutions of different types of conflicts. Responsible for its actions before the general assembly of the company.
Objections, complaints and conflicts committee Reviews all claims, verbal and written complaints, for which no decision was taken at the time of occurrence. The members of this committee are determined by the nature and place of occurrence of the problem based on the proposition of the quality manager. The decisions of the committee cannot be appealed against and are obligatory for all employees of the company.
 Manger Implements the decisions of the committee.

This procedure describes the processes of identification of actual or potential conflicts, analysis of the reasons for their expectation or occurrence as well as all applicable legal, normative and ethical rules for resolution of the conflicts.
The conflicts may be:
   - Between associates of the company, between the management and the
   - Between an applicant and the company
   - Between the certification body and subcontractors
   - Between the certification body and the state control authorities

The activities in the procedure for identification and resolution of conflicts are divided into several stages:
  - Determination and registration of the conflict – the source of information can be every person, whether linked or not with the activities of the company, who submitted verbal or written information to an associate of the company information for actual or potential conflict affecting the interests and the activity of the company.
   - Review of the information – regardless of the method of submission /written non anonymous, written anonymous, verbal/ it is written in a register for claims and complaints and is reviewed by the Head of Department attestation of conformity of construction products or by a committee, appointed by the Manager of the company.
   - Analysis of the reasons for occurrence of the conflict /or its expectation/.
   - Decision making consistent with legal and normative regulations and ethical human relations.
   - Resolution of the conflict at the place of occurrence.
   - Submission to the Objections, complaints and conflicts committee.